
The following websites may be  referred to in class for a special project, may accompany the text used for a class, or may be a good source of information in a variety of classes. Many of them offer extra practice, additional information on a topic, practice test and quizzes, and in some cases even the entire text. This can be a valuable resource for both parents and students.

www.optionc.com (Grades and messages)

www.weliveourfaith.com (Religion)

www.hbschool.com (Math)

www.PHSchool.com (Social Studies - a user name and passord are needed and can be obtained by contacting the SS teacher)

www.my.hrw.com (Science - I will provide students with log in information)

www.scifair.org (Science Fair information sheet and topic ideas)

www.scitech.org (Pittsburgh Regional Science and Technology Fair were we compete in April)

www.mcdougallittel.com (English)

www.empc.com (Literature)

www.classzone.com (General information and practice)

www.nettrekker.com (General information and practice)

www.bookadventure.com (Reading incentive program)