
Text - Holt Science and Technology - Intergrated Science 2008  Students may access the book and related links through and proceed with their personal log on information. This is an awesome website for students and I strongly recommend that they refer to it on a regular basis.

Simple Solutions -  is a program designed to help students understand Science concepts better then ever and to have a more positive attitude learning these topics. It will give students the opportunity to remember topics they have learned in previous grades. By revisiting these topics each day, you will gain confidence in
Science. In order for this program to help students, it is extremely important to do a lesson everyday. It is also important that you ask for hellp with items that you don't understand or that you got wrong when we correct them. You will be expected to do one lesson a day and we will correct the lessons daily.There will be a quiz on Friday of the lessons completed that week.

Vocabulary - a basic understanding of the vocabulary taht will be used throughout the lesson is very important. The students will be responsble for writing the vocabulary in their notebooks and are encouraged to study it on a regular basis.

Reading -  each chapter will be read in class and students will be assigned the section review questions to check understanding of the material read. This is not usually a graded assignment but students will be given credit for having completed the work.

Activities - students will do a variety of activities to reinforce the concepts developed in each chapter.

Homework - students will be assigned worksheets/workbook pages to be done independently. They will be given class time to work on them, but mayl need to be complete them at home. They should bring them home and check them for accuracy since they are graded.

Notebooks - will be collected at the end fo each chapter and students will be given a grade for completed work. I will be looking for vocabulary, section reviews, notes (from discussions, power points, activities,etc). Neatness and organization counts.

Test /quizzes- will be announced 3-5 days in advance. Quizzes are not always announced (although I usually give strong hints that they may have one the following day).

Group activities - The group activities are to reinforce the information in the chapter. Students need to work quietly,stay focused, and participate in the activity. One student is usully assigned as the recorder, but all students ned to give input and participate. Every student will have to write a summary of the activity and explain what they learned. I will look for this when I grade notebooks. If a student does not agree with the group answer, they may put their individual answer below the group answer (be sure to put their name so they get credit). If a student is not cooperatin with the group they will be asked to do the activity on their own and will be given a grade penalty; if this happens frequently the parents will be called in to discuss further options.

Extra Credit - students may do the "Discover Activity", "Try This". and "Science at Home" activities found through the  chapter. they can earn 2 bonus points/activity and do up to 3 activities/chapter.Students may also bring in articles from the newpaper or periodicals that they read independently and share them with the class for 1 bonus point /article. They may also earn 1 bonus point if a science concept we have studied is discussed in another class. they need to write up the information and have the other teacher sign the paper.